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    大沢佑香非洲 《职权的游戏》新一季剧情抢鲜看 经典对白回首

    发布日期:2024-09-28 05:33    点击次数:106

    大沢佑香非洲 《职权的游戏》新一季剧情抢鲜看 经典对白回首


    《职权的游戏》新一季剧情抢鲜看 经典对白回首




    Episode One, "Dragonstone"第一集《龙石岛》

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    Dany (Emilia Clarke) arrives home in the first episode of Season 7 of "Game of Thrones".在《权游》第七季第一聚拢,龙母(艾米莉亚•克拉克饰)回到故我。

    The description for the episode reveals that "Jon (Kit Harington) organizes the defense of the North; Cersei (Lena Headey) tries to even the odds; and Daenerys comes home."该集剧情简介称:“雪诺(基特•哈灵顿饰)叮咛北境详确;瑟后女王(琳娜•海蒂饰)为救援时局作念出起劲;龙母丹妮莉丝回到了维斯特洛大陆。”

    When the show returns, it appears that things will pick up just shortly after where they left off on the Season 6 finale, with Jon as the King of the North in Winterfell, and once again working to prepare and warn everyone around him about the War that's coming now that Winter has arrived. However, knowing his previous luck with convincing others that they need to be ready to fight because White Walkers do exist and the Night King is coming to get them all, he will likely have a battle ahead.在上一季的驱散,行为临冬城北境之王的雪诺再次作念好准备,并劝诫身边的东说念主凛冬已至,战役行将到来。《权游》归来后,剧情会紧接着上一季连续发展。不外,鉴于此前雪诺劝服东说念主们确信异鬼真正存在、夜王要裁撤总计东说念主、以及环球需要作念恋战斗准备时并不凯旋,是以他可能要履历一番鏖战。

    As for Cersei, now that she is the Queen sitting on the Iron Throne, she likely won't allow anyone to try and take that power from her, and while she did manage to get rid of most of her enemies in one fell swoop by unleashing wildfire on the Sept of Baelor, she still has others who will likely try and take her down. Now that her children are also all dead though, she will have nothing to lose and be more ruthless than ever, meaning the rest of her remaining enemies could find themselves dead before the episode ends.至于瑟后,她既然也曾是坐在宝座上的女王,就不会允许任何东说念主试图夺走她的职权。尽管她用野火烧了贝勒大圣堂,一下子破除了大部分敌东说念主,但还有其他东说念主可能要将她拉下台。现时,她的孩子们都死了,无所驰念的她将变得愈加冷凌弃。这意味着瑟后其他的敌东说念主可能会在这一集里“领便当”。

    Finally, after six years of waiting for Dany to finally get out of Slaver's Bay and make her march towards Westeros to reclaim her birthright, we saw her doing just that. With a fleet that is backed by House Tyrell of Highgarden, House Martell of Dorne, and some of House Greyjoy of the Iron Islands, she finally has enough to do what initially set out to. And though she was only sailing home before, she will finally arrive, and since the episode is titled "Dragonstone", it's a safe bet that the spot formerly occupied by her family will be the one she lands on.进程六年的恭候,咱们终于看到龙女走出奴婢湾,回到维斯特洛大陆领受她的王位。在高庭的提利尔家眷、多恩岛的马泰尔家眷以及铁血岛的葛雷乔伊家眷构成的舰队的因循下,龙女终于有迷漫的实力竣事领先的诡计。固然此前的剧情里她仅仅出发回家,然则她终将抵达。因为这一集叫作念《龙石岛》,是以不错确定地说,龙女将在她的家眷也曾的领地登陆。

    Episode Two, "Stormborn"第二集《风暴树立》

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    Jon faces a revolt in the North on Season 7, Episode 2 of "Game of Thrones".在《权游》第七季第二集里,雪诺在北境面对着一场举义。

    Description: "Daenerys receives an unexpected visitor. Jon faces a revolt. Tyrion (Peter Dinklage) plans the conquest of Westeros."剧情简介:“龙妈迎来不测访客,雪诺面对一场回击,而小恶魔(彼特•丁拉基饰)诡计着投降维斯特洛大陆。”

    Episode two will likely see the reaction as news of Dany's arrival begins to spread through Westeros, and the news she is there will likely be something that makes Cersei wary. The other part of Maggy The Frog's prophecy back in Season 5 after she was warned that her children would all die was that she "would be queen for a while, but then comes another, younger, and more beautiful, to cast you down and take all you hold dear." If she learns of Dany's arrival, or that Tyrion is with her, it could bring some new tensions in King's Landing.跟着龙母抵达维斯特洛大陆的音问传播开来,第二聚拢可能会出现各方对此事的反馈。这个音问可能会让瑟后有所记挂。第5季中“蛤蟆”巫姬预言瑟后的孩子都会死掉,而预言的另一部分则是“她将在女王宝座上待一段时期,然则之后会有另一个更年青貌好意思的东说念主将其推翻,并夺走其所赞理的一切。”若是瑟后得知龙母到来或是小恶魔和她在沿途的音问大沢佑香非洲,那么君临城内将出现新的垂危时局。

    Meanwhile, Jon will also face some unexpected pushback. Though the Lords of the North all banded behind him as their leader when he defeated the Boltons, there is someone who may be leading a move against him in their own search for power—Sansa (Sophie Turner). Littlefinger (Aidan Gillen) has made it clear to her he wants the Iron Throne with her as his queen, and may be cultivating more seeds of doubt in her mind about her half-brother's ability to rule, and his legitimacy, since as far as they know, he is still Ned Stark's bastard son.同期,雪诺也将面对一些出东说念主料思的阻力。尽管当雪诺击败波顿家眷时,朔方的领主都因循他当首领,但有东说念主可能正发起一场回击他的畅通,但愿我方取得职权,这个东说念主就是珊莎(索菲•特纳饰)。小指头(艾丹•吉伦饰)也曾明确向珊莎默示,他但愿登上铁王座,娶她为后。他可能会轻诺寡信,让珊莎怀疑同父异母的哥哥雪诺的在朝才能过火继位的正当性。因为据他们现时所了解的情况,雪诺仍然是艾德•史塔克的私生子。

    Episode Three, "The Queen's Justice"第三集《女王的审判》

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    Jaime (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau) learns from his mistakes on Season 7, Episode 3 of "Game of Thrones". 在第三集里,詹姆(尼可拉·科斯特-瓦尔说念饰)将从失误中吸取教化。

    Description: "Daenerys holds court. Cersei returns a gift. Jaime learns from his mistakes."剧情先容:“龙母上朝,瑟后退回大礼,詹姆吸取教化。”

    Episode three will likely take the action away from the North and focus more on what is going on in Dragonstone and King's Landing, as the two queens each rule over their people. The interesting part is the description for Jaime, who has been trying to somewhat repent for the sins he committed in Cersei's eyes. His sister blamed him for their father's death since he let Tyrion go that night, and he also faced blame when he returned home with their daughter, Myrcella, only to reveal that she was dead. Now, he may once again be trying to make things right for their relationship, even though the tension is likely there between them from Cersei's killing spree.第三集可能不会围绕北境张开,因为龙石岛和君临城出现了两个各行其是的女王,这一荟萃更存眷这里发生的事。剧情简介中对詹姆的先容很有意思意思,他一直试图忏悔在瑟后眼里他犯下的漏洞。他的姐姐瑟后将他们父亲的死归罪于他,因为当晚是他放走了小恶魔。瑟后还将他们两东说念主的男儿弥赛菈的死归罪于他,因为詹姆和弥赛菈沿途复返君临城,却只带回了弥赛菈丧命的音问。现时,詹姆可能再一次试图弥补他们的相关,即使瑟后打开杀戒的行动可能让两东说念主的相关堕入垂危。

    "Game of Thrones" Season 7 premieres Sunday, July 16 at 9 pm EDT on HBO.《职权的游戏》第七季将于好意思国东部时期7月16日晚9时在HBO电视台首播。



    《职权的游戏》新一季剧情抢鲜看 经典对白回首

    1. "The powerful have always preyed on the powerless. That's how they became powerful in the first place." - Tyrion Lannister, season five, episode one 1.“当权者老是篡夺弱小者,他们就是这样蕴蓄职权的。” ——“小恶魔”提利昂•兰尼斯特,第五季,第一集

    2. "If you ever call me 'sister' again, I'll have you strangled in your sleep." - Cersei Lannister to Margaery Tyrell, season three, episode eight 2.“再跟我说什么姐妹,我就让你在睡梦里被勒死。” ——瑟后•兰尼斯特对玛格丽•提利尔所说,第三季,第八集


    3. "Stick 'em with the pointy end." - Jon Snow to Arya Stark, on swordplay, season one, episode two 3.“用尖的那端去刺敌东说念主。” ——锻真金不怕火剑术时雪诺•雪诺对艾莉亚•史塔克所说,第一季,第二集

    4. "Let me give you some advice, bastard. Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you." - Tyrion Lannister to Jon Snow, season one, episode one 4.“那么私生子小弟,让我给你少许冷酷吧,经久不要健无私方的身份,小泽圆电影下载因为这个寰宇不会健忘,用它来武装我方就莫得东说念主不错用它来伤害你。” ——“小恶魔”提利昂•兰尼斯特对雪诺•雪诺所说,第一季,第一集

    5. "That's what I do. I drink and I know things." - Tyrion Lannister, season six, episode two 5.“这就是我。我爱喝酒,我无所不知。” ——“小恶魔”提利昂•兰尼斯特,第六季,第二集

    6. "A lion doesn't concern himself with the opinions of a sheep." - Tywin Lannister, season one, episode seven 6.“狮子才不会在乎羊的思法。” ——泰温•兰尼斯特,第一季,第七集

    7. "Power resides where men believe it resides. It's a trick. A shadow on the wall. And a very small man can cast a very large shadow." - Lord Varys, season two, episode three 7.“职权存于东说念主心。信则有,不信则无。惑东说念主的把戏,如浮影游墙。即即是矮小之东说念主,也能投射出庞杂的影子。” ——瓦里斯,第二季,第三集

    8. "The next time you raise a hand to me will be the last time you have hands." - Daenerys Targaryen, to her abusive brother, season one, episode four 8.“下次你再抬手打我,你就再也不会有手了。” ——“龙母”丹妮莉丝•坦格利安对其狞恶的兄长所说,第一季,第四集

    9. "It's easy to confuse 'what is' with 'what ought to be', especially when 'what is' has worked out in your favor." - Tyrion Lannister, season five, episode nine 9.“‘是什么’和‘应该是什么’老是容易期凌,杰出是其时局对你有意的时候。” ——“小恶魔”提利昂•兰尼斯特,第五季,第九集

    10. "Chaos isn't a pit. Chaos is a ladder. Many who try to climb it fail, and never get to try again. The fall breaks them. And some are given a chance to climb; they cling to the real or the gods or love. Only the ladder is real. The climb is all there is." - Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish, season three, episode six 10.“叨唠不是平川。叨唠是路线。许多东说念主思往上爬,却失败了,且永无契机再试。他们陨落而一火。有些东说念主本有契机攀爬,但他们休止了。他们守着王国,守着诸神,守着爱情——尽都幻象。唯有路线真正存在,攀爬才是糊口的全部。” ——“小指头”培提尔•贝里席,第三季,第六集

    11. "When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die." - Cersei Lannister, season one, episode seven 11.“在职权的游戏之中,成王败寇,莫得中间地带。” ——瑟后•兰尼斯特,第一季,第七集

    12. "In the name of Renly of House Baratheon, First of His Name, Rightful King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, I, Brienne of Tarth, sentence you to die." - Brienne of Tarth, to Stannis Baratheon, season five, episode 10 12.“以蓝礼•拜拉席恩一生、安达尔东说念主和先民的真王、七国的总揽者暨全境看管之名,我,塔斯的布蕾妮,判你死刑。” ——塔斯的布蕾妮对史坦尼斯•拜拉席恩所说,第五季,第十集

    13. "If you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention." - Ramsay Bolton, season three, episode six 13.“若是你认为我方会有好下场,那只可讲解你没致密听。” ——拉姆斯•波顿,第三季,第六集

    14. "Winter is coming." - Ned Stark, season one, episode one 14.“凛冬将至。” ——艾德•史塔克,第一季,第一集

    15. "A mind needs books like a sword needs a whetstone. That's why I read so much." - Tyrion Lannister, season one, episode two 15.“脑袋瓜子需要册本,就像宝剑需要磨刀石,是以我才读这样多书。” ——“小恶魔”提利昂•兰尼斯特,第一季,第二集

    16. "You know nothing, Jon Snow." - Ygritte, season four, episode nine 16.“你什么都不懂,囧•雪诺。” ——耶哥蕊特,第四季,第九集

    17. "The things I do for love." - Jaime Lannister, before pushing Bran out the window, season one, episode one 17.“为了爱,只可如斯了。” ——詹姆•兰尼斯特把布兰推下窗户前所说,第一季,第一集

    18. "The night is dark and full of terrors." - Melisandre of Asshai, season two, episode one 18.“永夜漫漫,处处自负。” ——亚夏的梅丽珊卓,第二季,第一集

    19. "I think mothers and fathers made up the gods because they wanted their children to sleep through the night." - Davos Seaworth, season three, episode eight 19.“我思一定是父母们创造了诸神,因为他们思让我方的孩子能在夜晚睡得缓慢。” ——戴佛斯•席渥斯,第三季,第八集

    20. "There is only one god and his name is Death, and there is only one thing we say to Death: 'Not today.'" - Syrio Forel, season one, episode six 20.“世上唯有一个神,耗费,面对他时咱们唯有一句话不错说:‘不到时候。’” ——西利欧•佛瑞尔,第一季,第六集

    21. "You're going to die tomorrow, Lord Bolton. Sleep well." - Sansa Stark, on the eve of the Battle of the Bastards, season six, episode nine 21.“你未来就要死了,波顿大东说念主。睡个好觉吧。” ——珊莎•史塔克,私生子大战之夜,第六季,第九集

    22. "Happy sh--ting." - Tormund Giantsbane to Davos Seaworth, season six, episode nine 22.“祝你拉屎拉的风物。” ——巨东说念主克星托蒙德对“洋葱骑士”戴佛斯•席渥斯所说,第六季,第九集


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